
DoorStepIndia - Hum Hain Na!!

DoorStepIndia is a solution to sort all your home needs ranging from construction to maintenance, professionally and conveniently. We promise highest standard quality, on-time project delivery, extended warranty and a hassle-free experience from plan approval to handover on all our construction projects to all our customers.

Cost Calculator/Estimator (100% hassle free and managed by us!)

Plot Size in Sq. Yards: *
I Want work on the floor:*
Total built up area that I want to build (in sq ft):*
Category Type:*
Mobile Number:*
Email Id:*

About DoorStepIndia Construction & Renovation Business

DoorStepIndia is a one-stop solution to sort all your home needs ranging from construction to maintenance, professionally and conveniently. Our goal is to become India’s largest managed marketplace for construction and renovation. We will do this through a strong in-house team of architects, designers, project managers and relationship managers with over 35 years of combined experience in the construction industry and our strong technological foundation which will digitize the entire workflow from booking experience, design phase, documentation, project execution, quality checks, payment flow and final handover . We serve over 6 major cities, with home construction projects covering Nodia and Gurugram. We promise highest standard quality, on-time project delivery, extended warranty and a hassle-free experience from plan approval to handover on all our construction projects to all our customers.


To become the largest tech-enabled platform for construction and renovation in India.

Our Promise

Highest Quality Standard

Our main focus is customer satisfaction. To achieve that, our team of architects, project engineers, quality control engineers and skilled contractors ensure highest quality standards. Along with this, we also ensure the use of branded materials for the project.


We provide a 10 year warranty on structure and on underground sump and a 1 year warranty on seepage on all construction services and 6 months general warranty on other services in plumbing, electrical or carpentry.

Hassle-Free Experience

DoorStepIndia will provide Once the deal is sealed, every step from plan approval to handover will be our responsibility, managed 100% by our qualified team. Our tech capabilities does wonders in taking a customer’s doubts and stress away from the entire process. No more hassle of dealing with contractors and worry of execution issues.

On-Time Completion

We provide a master schedule and monthly schedules, and commit to completing projects on time. To ensure clients are aware of the progress, weekly reports are consistently shared. We also follow a penalty policy in case of any delay.

How is DoorStepIndia different ?


  • Convenience(100% Responsibility from Plan Approval to Handover)
  • Transparency(Transparent at every level (progress, payment, material purchase))
  • Cost(Fixed pre-agreed project cost with standardized packages)
  • On-Time(Set project schedule tracked & managed, with penalty for delay)
  • Quality of finish(Strong team of contractors, in-house team of architects, engineers, project managers. Only branded materials used)
  • Technology(Powered by technology - starting from vendor on-boarding to automated progress report and payment flow)


  • Convenience(Hassles of managing stakeholders (including plan approval))
  • Transparency(Limited mostly on trust(progress, payment, material purchase))
  • Cost(No standardized packages)
  • On-Time(Project often delayed with no progress visibility)
  • Quality of finish(Unskilled labour force & unmonitored quality of material)
  • Technology(Limited to no use)

Frequently Asked Questions

DoorStepIndia covers all kinds of Construction, Renovation and Interior projects.

The DoorStepIndia brand and our team of qualified professionals stand for very high standards of work quality. DoorStepIndia will ensure timely delivery and will manage everything from plan approval to handover. There is extensive warranty post completion as well.

DoorStepIndia may assist you in obtaining the relevant government approvals at a cost.

Quality will be monitored by the Quality Controller. Also, CCTV cameras will be installed at the site to access online viewing from any part of the world. Images will be shared on Whatsapp group twice a day to share updates.

The work is hassle-free because we maintain transparency at every level, starting from the procuring of material/s, payments to execution. Also, the same will be updated to the client/s on a regular basis. The Quality control team ensures that the quality is not compromised.

We issue project schedule of entire project and monthly schedules to track activity and the same will be monitored by our engineers . The client/s can also review the same.

Our payments are very unique. We don’t take payments in stages; we take payments on an actual work so that client does not worry whether they are paying more than the actual work done. We also give cash flow details as per the work

First step would be to meet and understand the requirement and budget. Second, as per requirement, we will suggest design options till we get the final go-ahead from the client. Finally, the materials are decided and then the execution begins.

We provide one-year free maintenance.

There will be one Site Supervisor available at the site throughout the assignment. Quality Engineers will visit the site at regular intervals and Senior Engineers will be visiting the site twice a week. Designers and Architects will be visiting the site at the beginning of any new stage as well as per the site requirements.

Our Disclamier The information and data provided on the DoorstepIndia website are intended solely for service-related purposes. Any services or messages you receive through this platform are not a substitute for advice, programs, or treatments you would typically seek from a licensed professional. Consequently, DoorstepIndia.com offers no guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind and is not liable for how the information and data are interpreted or used by recipients. Additionally, DoorstepIndia.com is not a registered firm. All transactions and collected data are handled by Greatmove Technologies Private Limited.